Macanese Pataca to Swiss Franc Forecast

1 🇲🇴 Macanese Pataca (MOP$)
0.1073 🇨🇭 Swiss Franc (CHF)
Currency Name Macanese Pataca
Currency Code MOP
Symbol MOP$
Country Macao
Currency Name Swiss Franc
Currency Code CHF
Symbol CHF
Country Switzerland

Macanese Pataca has ↓ fallen by 0.13% (0.000140) against the Swiss Franc as compared to the previous closing exchange rate.

Live Macanese Pataca to Swiss Franc Currency Conversion

✱ Would you like to send Macanese Pataca from Macao to Switzerland for free? Making financial transactions while moving and living abroad is now easier! Enjoy higher transfer limits across over 54 currencies while saving up to 90% compared to local banks. Try Now!

Macanese Pataca to Swiss Franc Stats and Compare

Statistic Last 7 days Last 30 days
↑ High CHF0.1076 CHF0.1076
≍ Average CHF0.1073 CHF0.1062
↓ Low CHF0.1069 CHF0.1050
⥯ Changes CHF0.0007 CHF0.0026

Macanese Pataca (MOP$) to Swiss Franc (CHF) Exchange Rates, History (Last 30 Days)

Historical and forecast chart of the Macanese Pataca/Swiss Franc currency pair (1 month)
Date Macanese Pataca (MOP$) Swiss Franc (CHF)
13 October 2024, Sunday 1 MOP ⦿ 0.10726 CHF
12 October 2024, Saturday 1 MOP ⦿ 0.10726 CHF
11 October 2024, Friday 1 MOP 0.1074 CHF
10 October 2024, Thursday 1 MOP 0.10712 CHF
09 October 2024, Wednesday 1 MOP 0.10741 CHF
08 October 2024, Tuesday 1 MOP 0.10759 CHF
07 October 2024, Monday 1 MOP 0.10693 CHF
06 October 2024, Sunday 1 MOP 0.10716 CHF
05 October 2024, Saturday 1 MOP 0.10715 CHF
04 October 2024, Friday 1 MOP 0.10717 CHF
03 October 2024, Thursday 1 MOP 0.10643 CHF
02 October 2024, Wednesday 1 MOP 0.10604 CHF
01 October 2024, Tuesday 1 MOP 0.10527 CHF
30 September 2024, Monday 1 MOP 0.10583 CHF
29 September 2024, Sunday 1 MOP 0.10504 CHF
28 September 2024, Saturday 1 MOP 0.10501 CHF
27 September 2024, Friday 1 MOP 0.10547 CHF
26 September 2024, Thursday 1 MOP 0.10622 CHF
25 September 2024, Wednesday 1 MOP 0.1059 CHF
24 September 2024, Tuesday 1 MOP ⦿ 0.1059 CHF
23 September 2024, Monday 1 MOP 0.10642 CHF
22 September 2024, Sunday 1 MOP 0.10594 CHF
21 September 2024, Saturday 1 MOP 0.10597 CHF
20 September 2024, Friday 1 MOP 0.10571 CHF
19 September 2024, Thursday 1 MOP 0.10584 CHF
18 September 2024, Wednesday 1 MOP 0.10569 CHF
17 September 2024, Tuesday 1 MOP 0.10542 CHF
16 September 2024, Monday 1 MOP 0.10561 CHF
15 September 2024, Sunday 1 MOP 0.1056 CHF
14 September 2024, Saturday 1 MOP 0.10564 CHF
13 September 2024, Friday 1 MOP 0.10578 CHF
12 September 2024, Thursday 1 MOP 0.1067 CHF
Historical and forecast table of the Macanese Pataca/Swiss Franc currency pair (30 days)

Macanese Pataca to Swiss Franc Travel Currency Cheat Sheet

1 0.11 15 1.61 125 13.41
2 0.21 20 2.15 250 26.82
3 0.32 25 2.68 400 42.90
4 0.43 30 3.22 500 53.63
5 0.54 35 3.75 600 64.36
6 0.64 40 4.29 700 75.08
7 0.75 45 4.83 750 80.45
8 0.86 50 5.36 800 85.81
9 0.97 75 8.04 900 96.53
10 1.07 100 10.73 1000 107.26
Macanese Pataca (MOP) and Swiss Franc (CHF) Currency Images

What is the current exchange rate for Macanese Pataca to Swiss Franc? Tourists and business travelers have relied on MOP to CHF money converters for their travel exchange rate needs. For instant Macanese Pataca to Swiss Franc currency conversion during your travels, print off a custom reference card for Switzerland destination currency.

Questions & Answers about MOP to CHF

What is the currency pair: MOP/CHF (Macanese Pataca/Swiss Franc)?

The currency pair MOP/CHF is the shortened term for the Macanese Pataca against the Swiss Franc pair, or cross for the currencies of Macao and Switzerland. The currency pair indicates how many Swiss Franc (the quote currency) are needed to purchase one Macanese Pataca (the base currency). Trading the MOP/CHF currency pair is also known as trading the "Macanese Pataca."

What is the MOP to CHF exchange rate today?

The Macanese Pataca - Swiss Franc today's exchange rate is listed on our page. It is updated every hour and based on market data. The MOP/CHF forex rate is 0.107260 today.

What does MOPCHF mean?

MOPCHF is the short title defined by ISO 4217. Usually, this term is used in the foreign exchange market to indicate the currency pair of Macanese Pataca against the Swiss Franc.

How to calculate the MOP to CHF exchange rate?

The easiest way to check the Macanese Pataca to Swiss Franc exchange rate is to use our live currency exchange table or a reputable online currency converter. Simply enter the amount in MOP you want to convert, to see the current mid-market exchange rate, and how much you'd end up with in CHF if you exchange today.

How can you convert Macanese Pataca to Swiss Franc using a currency converter?

Enter the amount you wish to convert, and the conversion will be done automatically. You can check it here: Macanese Pataca to Swiss Franc Currency Converter.

Is this the right time to exchange MOP for CHF?

The perfect moment to convert Macanese Pataca to Swiss Franc is influenced by several aspects including a robust performance (check the historical chart) and desirable volatility levels. You can monitor these indicators on this page (see the wave-meter displayed above). Stay connected for further updates.

Live Macanese Pataca to Swiss Franc Conversion