52420 NPR to INR

52,420 🇳🇵 Nepalese Rupee (NPRs)
32,960.65 🇮🇳 Indian Rupee (Rs)
Value 52420
Currency Name Nepalese Rupee
Currency Code NPR
Symbol NPRs
Country Nepal
Result 32960.6476
Currency Name Indian Rupee
Currency Code INR
Symbol Rs
Country India

What is 52420 Nepalese Rupee to Indian Rupee?

52420 Nepalese Rupee to Indian Rupee Stats and Compare

Statistic Last 7 days Last 30 days
↑ High Rs32,917.14 Rs32,917.14
≍ Average Rs32,820.01 Rs32,793.88
↓ Low Rs32,682.82 Rs32,551.25
⥯ Changes Rs234.32 Rs365.89

52,420 Nepalese Rupee (नेरू) to Indian Rupee (টকা) Exchange Rates (Last 7 Days)

Historical and forecast chart of the 52420 Nepalese Rupee/Indian Rupee currency pair (1 week)
Date Nepalese Rupee (NPR) Indian Rupee (INR)
04 June 2024, Tuesday 52,420 NPR ⦿ 32960.6476 INR
03 June 2024, Monday 52,420 NPR ⦿ 32917.139 INR
02 June 2024, Sunday 52,420 NPR 32856.3318 INR
01 June 2024, Saturday 52,420 NPR ⦿ 32856.3318 INR
31 May 2024, Friday 52,420 NPR 32836.4122 INR
30 May 2024, Thursday 52,420 NPR 32795.0004 INR
29 May 2024, Wednesday 52,420 NPR 32682.8216 INR
28 May 2024, Tuesday 52,420 NPR 32796.0488 INR
Historical and forecast table of the 52420 Nepalese Rupee/Indian Rupee currency pair (7 days)

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