Guyanese Dollar Currency Converter

🇬🇾 Convert Guyanese Dollar (GYD) to another currency

Exchange Rates Guyanese Dollar (G$) Today

1 GYD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01
5 GYD 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.17 0.03
10 GYD 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.34 0.07
15 GYD 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.51 0.10
20 GYD 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.68 0.13
40 GYD 0.19 0.18 0.15 1.36 0.26
50 GYD 0.24 0.22 0.18 1.69 0.33
75 GYD 0.36 0.33 0.28 2.54 0.49
100 GYD 0.48 0.44 0.37 3.39 0.66
150 GYD 0.72 0.66 0.55 5.08 0.99
200 GYD 0.96 0.88 0.73 6.78 1.32
300 GYD 1.44 1.31 1.10 10.17 1.97
400 GYD 1.92 1.75 1.47 13.56 2.63
500 GYD 2.40 2.19 1.84 16.95 3.29
1000 GYD 4.79 4.38 3.67 33.89 6.58
5000 GYD 23.95 21.90 18.35 169.45 32.90
10000 GYD 47.90 43.80 36.70 338.90 65.80

Actual exchange rate of Guyanese Dollar ($) to other world currencies

Guyanese Dollar exchange rates against currencies in popular countries for 11 October 2024, Friday!
FlagCurrency NameISOCurrency Symbol
US DollarUSDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to USD
EuroEURConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to EUR
Chinese YuanCNYConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to CNY
British Pound SterlingGBPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to GBP
Canadian DollarCADConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to CAD
Australian DollarAUDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to AUD
South Korean WonKRWConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to KRW
Swiss FrancCHFConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to CHF
Japanese YenJPYConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to JPY
Singapore DollarSGDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to SGD
Pakistani RupeePKRConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to PKR
New Zealand DollarNZDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to NZD
Mexican PesoMXNConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MXN
Nigerian NairaNGNConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to NGN
Chilean PesoCLPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to CLP
Russian RubleRUBConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to RUB
Norwegian KroneNOKConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to NOK
Brazilian RealBRLConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BRL
Thai BahtTHBConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to THB
Indian RupeeINRConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to INR
Guyanese Dollar exchange rates against currencies in Europe for 11 October 2024, Friday!
FlagCurrency NameISOCurrency Symbol
EuroEURConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to EUR
British Pound SterlingGBPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to GBP
Swiss FrancCHFConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to CHF
Russian RubleRUBConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to RUB
Norwegian KroneNOKConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to NOK
Turkish LiraTRYConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to TRY
Ukrainian HryvniaUAHConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to UAH
Albanian LekALLConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to ALL
Bosnia-Herzegovina MarkBAMConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BAM
Danish KroneDKKConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to DKK
Belarusian RubleBYNConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BYN
Bulgarian LevBGNConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BGN
Croatian KunaHRKConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to HRK
Czech Republic KorunaCZKConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to CZK
Gibraltar PoundGIPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to GIP
Hungarian ForintHUFConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to HUF
Icelandic KronaISKConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to ISK
Macedonian DenarMKDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MKD
Moldovan LeuMDLConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MDL
Romanian LeuRONConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to RON
Serbian DinarRSDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to RSD
Swedish KronaSEKConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to SEK
Guyanese Dollar exchange rates against currencies in Asia for 11 October 2024, Friday!
FlagCurrency NameISOCurrency Symbol
Chinese YuanCNYConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to CNY
Japanese YenJPYConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to JPY
Singapore DollarSGDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to SGD
Hong Kong DollarHKDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to HKD
South Korean WonKRWConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to KRW
Pakistani RupeePKRConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to PKR
Thai BahtTHBConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to THB
Indian RupeeINRConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to INR
Afghan AfghaniAFNConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to AFN
Azerbaijani ManatAZNConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to AZN
Armenian DramAMDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to AMD
Bahraini DinarBHDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BHD
Bangladeshi TakaBDTConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BDT
Bhutanese NgultrumBTNConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BTN
Brunei DollarBNDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BND
Burmese Kyat (Myanmar Kyat)MMKConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MMK
Cambodian RielKHRConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to KHR
Emirati DirhamAEDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to AED
Fijian DollarFJDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to FJD
Georgian LariGELConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to GEL
Indonesian RupiahIDRConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to IDR
Iranian RialIRRConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to IRR
Iraqi DinarIQDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to IQD
Israeli New SheqelILSConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to ILS
Jordanian DinarJODConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to JOD
Kazakhstani TengeKZTConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to KZT
Kyrgystani SomKGSConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to KGS
Kuwaiti DinarKWDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to KWD
Lebanese PoundLBPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to LBP
Laotian KipLAKConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to LAK
Macanese PatacaMOPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MOP
Malaysian RinggitMYRConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MYR
Maldivian RufiyaaMVRConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MVR
Mongolian TugrikMNTConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MNT
Nepalese RupeeNPRConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to NPR
New Taiwan DollarTWDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to TWD
North Korean WonKPWConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to KPW
Omani RialOMRConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to OMR
Philippine PesoPHPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to PHP
Sri Lankan RupeeLKRConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to LKR
Saudi RiyalSARConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to SAR
Syrian PoundSYPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to SYP
Turkmenistan ManatTMTConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to TMT
Tajikistani SomoniTJSConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to TJS
Tunisian DinarTNDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to TND
Uzbekistan SomUZSConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to UZS
Vietnamese DongVNDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to VND
Qatari RialQARConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to QAR
Guyanese Dollar exchange rates against currencies in North and South America for 11 October 2024, Friday!
FlagCurrency NameISOCurrency Symbol
US DollarUSDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to USD
Canadian DollarCADConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to CAD
Mexican PesoMXNConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MXN
Chilean PesoCLPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to CLP
Brazilian RealBRLConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BRL
Argentine PesoARSConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to ARS
Aruban FlorinAWGConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to AWG
Bahamian DollarBSDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BSD
Barbadian DollarBBDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BBD
Belize DollarBZDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BZD
Bermudan DollarBMDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BMD
Bolivian BolivianoBOBConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BOB
Cape Verdean EscudoCVEConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to CVE
Cayman Islands DollarKYDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to KYD
CFP FrancXPFConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to XPF
Colombian PesoCOPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to COP
Comorian FrancKMFConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to KMF
Costa Rican ColónCRCConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to CRC
Cuban PesoCUPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to CUP
Dominican PesoDOPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to DOP
East Caribbean DollarXCDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to XCD
Falkland Islands PoundFKPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to FKP
Guatemalan QuetzalGTQConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to GTQ
Haitian GourdeHTGConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to HTG
Honduran LempiraHNLConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to HNL
Jamaican DollarJMDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to JMD
Netherlands Antillean GuilderANGConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to ANG
Nicaraguan CórdobaNIOConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to NIO
Panamanian BalboaPABConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to PAB
Paraguayan GuaraniPYGConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to PYG
Peruvian Nuevo SolPENConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to PEN
Saint Helena PoundSHPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to SHP
Surinamese DollarSRDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to SRD
Trinidad and Tobago DollarTTDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to TTD
Uruguayan PesoUYUConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to UYU
Venezuelan Bolívar FuerteVEFConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to VEF
Guyanese Dollar exchange rates against currencies in Africa for 11 October 2024, Friday!
FlagCurrency NameISOCurrency Symbol
Egyptian PoundEGPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to EGP
Nigerian NairaNGNConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to NGN
Algerian DinarDZDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to DZD
Angolan KwanzaAOAConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to AOA
Botswanan PulaBWPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BWP
Burundian FrancBIFConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to BIF
CFA Franc BCEAOXOFConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to XOF
CFA Franc BEACXAFConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to XAF
Congolese FrancCDFConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to CDF
Swiss FrancCHFConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to CHF
Djiboutian FrancDJFConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to DJF
Eritrean NakfaERNConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to ERN
Ethiopian BirrETBConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to ETB
Gambian DalasiGMDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to GMD
Ghanaian CediGHSConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to GHS
Guinean FrancGNFConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to GNF
Kenyan ShillingKESConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to KES
Lesotho LotiLSLConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to LSL
Norwegian KroneNOKConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to NOK
Liberian DollarLRDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to LRD
Libyan DinarLYDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to LYD
Malagasy AriaryMGAConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MGA
Malawian KwachaMWKConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MWK
Mauritanian OuguiyaMROConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MRO
Mauritian RupeeMURConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MUR
Moroccan DirhamMADConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MAD
Mozambican MeticalMZNConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to MZN
Namibian DollarNADConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to NAD
Papua New Guinean KinaPGKConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to PGK
Rwandan FrancRWFConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to RWF
Sao Tome and Principe DobraSTDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to STD
Seychellois RupeeSCRConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to SCR
Sierra Leonean LeoneSLLConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to SLL
Somali ShillingSOSConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to SOS
South African RandZARConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to ZAR
Sudanese PoundSDGConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to SDG
Swazi LilangeniSZLConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to SZL
Tanzanian ShillingTZSConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to TZS
Ugandan ShillingUGXConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to UGX
Zambian KwachaZMWConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to ZMW
Guyanese Dollar exchange rates against currencies in Pacific for 11 October 2024, Friday!
FlagCurrency NameISOCurrency Symbol
Australian DollarAUDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to AUD
New Zealand DollarNZDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to NZD
Samoan TalaWSTConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to WST
Solomon Islands DollarSBDConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to SBD
Tongan PaangaTOPConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to TOP
Vanuatu VatuVUVConvert Guyanese Dollar GYD to VUV

Guyanese Dollar Money Photos and Images

Guyanese Dollar, gyd, G$ money symbols, photos and images

Guyana Travel Advice 2024

  • Timezone UTC-04:00
  • Voltage N/A Volt
  • Frequency N/A Herz
  • Plug Type N/A
  • Language English
  • Phone Code +5
  • Emergency Phone N/A

Planning a trip to Guyana? Our travel advice and updates are here to provide you with practical tips and useful information to enhance your journey.

Emergency Numbers in Guyana

  • Ambulance Phone N/A
  • Fire Phone N/A
  • Police Phone N/A
  • Support Phone N/A

Guyanese Dollar Wiki

What is the currency of Guyana?

The Guyanese Dollar is the official currency of Guyana. The currency code for Guyanese Dollar is GYD and the currency symbol is G$.

What is Guyana's currency called?

The Guyanese Dollar (sign: $; code: GYD) is the currency of Guyana.

What countries use Guyanese Dollar?

The Guyanese Dollar (GYD) is used as the official currency in Guyana.

Which capitals using Guyanese Dollar?

The capital of Guyana, Georgetown, uses the Guyanese Dollar as its currency.

About the Guyanese Dollar
The Guyanese dollar (currency sign: $, G$ and GY$; ISO: GYD) has been the unit of account in Guyana (formerly British Guiana) since 29 January 1839. Originally it was intended as a transitional unit to facilitate the changeover from the Dutch guilder system of currency to the British pound sterling system. The Spanish dollar was already prevalent throughout the West Indies in general, and from 1839, the Spanish dollar unit operated in British Guiana in conjunction with British sterling coins at a standard conversion rate of one dollar for every four shillings and twopence. In 1951 the British sterling coinage was replaced with a new decimal coinage which was simultaneously introduced through all the British territories in the Eastern Caribbean. When sterling began to depreciate in the early 1970s, a switch to a US dollar peg became increasingly attractive as an anti-inflationary measure and the Eastern Caribbean Currency Authority (of which Guyana was a member) made the switch in October 1975. The Guyanese dollar is normally abbreviated with the dollar sign $, or alternatively G$ (Guyanese Dollar) to distinguish it from other dollar-denominated currencies.

With, you can convert Guyanese Dollar (G$) to any other foreign currency. To convert a certain amount of Guyanese Dollar, use the currency converter. This page provides free online information about currency conversion or exchange rates for world fiat currencies. The exchange rate for Guyanese Dollar is calculated from the mid-market real price and updates daily. Usually, people search for the GYD exchange rate before business travel to Guyana or during a trip to other countries, and want to check the rate of Guyanese Dollar in local money. On this page, you can convert Guyanese Dollar to main foreign currencies, get fast access to the most commonly used amounts of GYD, or alternatively calculate any amount of Guyanese Dollar in other fiat money.